Are saguaros dying in Arizona?

By Jack Dash There has been a lot of talk in the news lately about a mass saguaro collapse caused by heat and drought. This claim, and the media storm around it, requires a bit of unpacking.   The story begins with the fantastic research team at the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix who have been…

Endure, Evade, or Evacuate

Climate Change in Tucson and the Surrounding Desert Region by Katie Predick, Conservation Research Scientist February in Tucson  Snow dabs mountaintops and our breath puffs visible on morning walks. Last week I considered purchasing an ice scraper to save my debit card some wear and tear. Even so, freezing temperatures are less common than decades…

Desert Biota in a Changing Climate

Katie Predick, Conservation Research and Education Department Earth Day is a time to celebrate the fascinating, biodiverse, resilient nature all around us. And while it’s essential to appreciate and celebrate the unique nature of the Sonoran Desert and beyond, every Earth Day that passes without significant climate or environmental action brings us closer to the…